Connect Missions

Connecting people to Christ, His Church and His Mission

As the Father has sent Me, I also send you. ~ Jesus, John 20:21


Scripture reveals the essential element of prayer in the life of a disciple of Jesus. We are committed to movements of prayer. As the Lord speaks, we obey and lead others into his presence. We seek his face, passionate about making the name of Jesus known among all nations.

“Prayer does not fit us for the greater work; prayer is the greater work.”

Oswald Chambers


In order to go and make disciples, one must connect to Christ, His Church and His Mission. We provide training and equipping in missions and discipleship to individuals, groups and organizations. Our hope is to prepare the Church for the purpose God has given to it, fulfilling the Great Commission. 

“My concern is not with closed doors; my concern is with the doors that are open which we do not enter.”

Ralph Winter


We help people follow the mission and purpose God has given to them. We do this through networks of relationships that create opportunities for people to encourage one another and sometimes to join together through partnerships. Relationships are everything! 

“If we do not die to self and fill our lives with the consuming passion of the worship of God in the nations, we will end up with other passions.”

Floyd McClung

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helping the Church go and make disciples